Model : SP-W100S
Driver description : 10” Subwoofer Single Voice Coil
Mounting Depth. In/mm : 4.09/104
Cutout dimension, In/mm : 9.06/230
Impedance : 4 ohms
Maximum power handing (PE) : 300 watts
Dynamic power handing : 600 watts
Voice coil – size : 2” 4 layer
Magnet weight : 33 oz.
Frequency Response : 20 Hz to 1000 Hz
Resonance frequency (Fs) : 25 Hz
QTS : 0.484
QMS : 5.0732
QES : 0.535
VAS, ft/liter : 1.1876/33.64
X-max, In/mm : 0.1968/5
Peak to peak, In/mm : 0.7087/18
Efficiency (2.83V/1M) : 92 dB